




法政集团的教育板块拥有强大的国际化背景,在国内外拥有多所国际化学校,各校都有高水平外籍教师任教。12月初,法政集团旗下的北京王府学校与外交学院、中国教育发展基金会合作签约,标志着王府学校深耕已久的外交人才培养模式再度升级。嘉汇教育集团将依托法政集团的国际化教育资源,在坚定中国文化自信的基础上,培养学生对多元文化的理解力和胜任力。 今后,嘉汇教育将一如既往地为外籍教师营造愉快的工作氛围和生活环境,做好各项服务工作,为外籍教师的成长和发展创造有利条件,增强外籍教师对嘉汇教育的归属感,使优秀外籍教师扎根嘉汇,潜心育人,成为加快嘉汇教育发展的坚实力量。


On Dec 24, Mr. Zhou You, the Vice President of Beijing Fazheng Group and President of Dalian Jiahui Education Group, together with Ms. Han Wei, the Director of HR Department and Teaching&Learning Department of Dalian Jiahui Education Group, visited the schools and kindergartens of Jiahui Education to send out Christmas  presents to 38 foreign teachers.

Mr. Zhou gave hearty speeches to the foreign teachers in recognition of their devotion and diligence in daily teaching jobs as well as the contribution and achievement they've made at work. He highly appreciated  that they had always kept staying with Jiahui Education since the breakout of COVID-19, never going back to their home countries for a long time. At last, Mr Zhou wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy life here in Jiahui Education Group, in Dalian, and in China.

As the new year is coming, Jiahui Education will keep building the foreign teachers team with its pleasant working environment, as well as more career opportunities and personal development. Jiahui Education would like the foreign teachers to feel at home here and work together for the promising future of Jiahui Education.

