
烟酒清欢,诗酒华年。愿岁并谢,与长友兮。2019 年深冬的雪昭示着 2020 年的到来,也拉开了大连王府高中校刊 《洛希》 第三期的帷幕。
The snow in the late winter of 2019 foresees the start of 2020 and the beginning of v.3.

2019 年 7 月,大连王府高中的校刊 《洛希》 正式创刊,它承载了王府学子关照社会的使命,凝聚了王府学子创新求索的精神;它见证了梦想起航,见证了披星戴月,见证了情谊绵长。
In July 2019, Dalian Royal School』s magazine was officially launched. The magazine, symbolising our social responsibility and innovative spirit, witnesses people』s dreams, efforts, and friendship.


《洛希》 杂志由大连王府高中文学社主办,收录作品均为大连王府高级中学和老师原创,体现了我们学术之余的文艺气息,极具有收藏价值 。在第三期的文学创作中,有许多同学和外籍教师积极参与、踊跃投稿,在此特别感谢各位能在百忙之中抽出时间来丰富我们的校刊。
is organised by DRS Literature Society and the works are all from our teachers and students. In this New Year Special Issue, many students and teachers actively contributed their masterpiece. We really appreciate all of their efforts.


All the words in this magazine reflect the individual writer』s passion towards their lives. One of our goals is to deliver their feelings and power.


Compared with the first two issues, the third issue has many new columns, including Introduction to Science, English Poetry, and so on. With the classical section of campus news, as well as comments on news, books, and films, the proportion of English articles has increased. The quality and readability of articles are simultaneously improved to make our magazine international.


文学社的成员们花费了大量时间进行构思和创作,每篇稿件撰写后,刘老师严把质量关卡指导改稿,每篇文章至少修改三次,精心打磨。文编同学细致校对、修改格式,美编同学耐心编辑、插图排版。本期稿件从征稿到出刊历时 2 个月,平日里大家在忙碌的课业之余完成相应的任务,每个周末同学们和老师都会牺牲休息时间,并通过电话会议、微信群组和邮件等方式继续工作,为本刊投入了大量心血。
We spent a lot of time on the creation of the magazine. After each version was written, the teacher strictly guided the revision of articles. Each article was revised at least three times. 2 months passed from submission to publication. Even on the weekends, everyone completed corresponding tasks in addition to their busy schoolwork.

为了最好的展现出同学们的作品, 我们优选纸张, 使用时尚杂志纸材, 将颜色和光影的张力释放到极致,美感极致同时, 我们追求质感, 封面上覆哑膜, 只为配得上同学们优秀的作品水平。望你多年后将它从书架上取下, 再回想起少年时的迷茫与执着,记忆里仍然是熟悉的人, 熟悉的文字, 熟悉的梗……让它们仍然鲜活的存在于回忆里,这便是我们想要达到的最终目的。
In order to best show students' works, we selected paper which matched the excellent work level of students. I hope you can take it off the bookshelf many years later, and then recall the confusion and persistence when you were young. In your memory, you still remember familiar people and familiar words which is the ultimate goal we want to achieve.


「愿少年,乘风破浪,他日勿忘化雨功。」 校友、家长和老师们,我们的今天,少不了您们的辛勤付出与汗水。您的支持也一定会是这个校园继续蓬勃发展的关键。
We really appreciate the support from our alumni, parents, and teachers.


In the hopeful 2020, please stay positive to the future.


本期杂志预计 1 月 10 日正式发刊,提供自提和邮寄 (到付)。有意向购买者,请微信联系我们,购买可扫描下面付款码直接付款,并同时注明名字、本数、电话、如需邮寄请备注地址。为了感谢长期支持我们的您,凡是在预售期间下单购买,可享受特殊优惠价 29.8 元。(注意备注个人信息!!)
This magazine is expected to be published on 10th January. The price is 29.8 RMB, and you may take the magazine on your own or we can send it to you. You can pay directly by scanning the payment code below, and indicate your name, number of copies, telephone number, and address if you need it to be mailed. (PLEASE provide your personal information !!)
