
2020 年 6 月 5 日上午八点三十分, 音乐教室, 集团领导周游, 校领导张晓敏、刘舒婧、张向阳、赵键、邵秀环、张慧以及部分任课老师代表、与云在线家长团一起, 参加由大连王府高级中学为行将出国的 2020 届毕业生举办的 「奋斗. 责任. 世界公民」 毕业仪式。仪式在庄严的国歌声中拉开序幕。

At 8:30 a.m. on June 5th, 2020, group leader Zhou You, leaders of the school Zhang Xiaomin, Liu Shujing, Zhang Xiangyang, Zhao Jian, Shao Xiuhuan and Zhang Hui, as well as some teachers' representatives, together with parents online, participated in the 2020 Dalian Royal School graduation ceremony in the music classroom.The ceremony began with the national anthem.

第一部分: 最后一堂课 「非学无以广才, 非志无以成学」。
The first part: the last lesson "no learning, no talent, no ambition, no learning".

丛琳等 5 位教师代表全体教师表达了临别之际对毕业生的期望和祝福。学术校长为大家的最后一堂课进行总结。

On behalf of all the teachers, Cong Lin and four other teachers expressed their expectations and blessings for the graduates. The Academic Principal Andrea May summarized the last class.

第二部分: 最后一次班会 「此地一为别, 孤蓬万里征。浮云游子意, 落日故人情。」

The second part: the last class meeting: "We say farewell here, you embark on a long journey. The clouds indicate the feelings of travelers, and the sunsets express the remembrance of old friends. "

班主任刘玉礼老师和谭奇老师带着共同的记忆, 为全体毕业生召开最后一次班会, 温馨的点滴, 真挚的祝福, 高中生活就在这一刻定格, 相信毕业生们也永远不会忘记这段人生最美好的时光。

Homeroom Teachers Liu Yuli and Tan Qi held the last class meeting for all of the graduates. With their shared warm memories and sincere blessing, high school life seemed to be fixed at this moment. I believe that the graduates will never forget the best time of their life.

第三部分最后一次高三年级全体学生大会 「长风破浪会有时, 直挂云帆济沧海」

The third part is the last G12 meeting: "when the wind blows and the waves break, we will hang up our sails to travel across the sea."

Issue graduation certificate and school badge


Thank you very much Liu Shujing for sharing your thoughts and wishes. As young people, we must struggle and strive to grown and improve. We sincerely hope that our class of 2020 will remember the heartfelt guidance of theirs teachers and keep moving forward.

橡树外国语学校总校长张晓敏女士致辞。晓敏校长的致辞恳切深刻, 从心怀家国天下, 拓展国际视野, 提升个人素养三方面向毕业生们提出三点希望, 鼓励同学们在未来社会身份的转变中, 高效融入世界, 投身回报祖国和社会, 勾勒出卓越的王府群像。

Ms. Zhang Xiaomin, President of Oak Foreign Language School, gave a speech which was sincere and profound. She raised three hopes to the graduates from three aspects: cherishing the country and the world, expanding international vision, and improving personal quality. She encouraged the students to integrate into the world efficiently in the future, devote themselves to repaying the motherland and society, and outline the outstanding image of Dalian Royal School students.

最后在主持人的祝福中 2020 届毕业仪式圆满结束。

Finally, with the host's blessing, the graduation ceremony of 2020 was successfully concluded.

因为疫情,2020 届毕业生们对 「奋斗」 和 「责任」 的意义有了更深的理解; 因为疫情, 注定今年的离别与以往不同。大连王府高级中学全体师生希望通过别样的毕业仪式与毕业生们重温温馨校园生活, 希望 2020 届毕业生带着所有人的期望与重托, 坚定自信地面对未来的人生, 成为具有国际视野和全球竞争力的精英领袖人才。

Because of the epidemic, the graduates in 2020 have a deeper understanding of the meaning of "struggle" and "responsibility"; because of the epidemic, the departure this year is destined to be different from the past. All the teachers and students of Dalian Royal School hope to relive the warm campus life with the graduates through this special graduation ceremony. We hope that the 2020 graduates will face their future lives firmly and confidently with the expectation and trust of all people, and become the elites or leaders with international vision and global competitiveness.
