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橡树外国语学校初中部 48 名学子在 2020 澳大利亚数学竞赛 (AMC) 取得优异成绩。1 名同学获得一等奖,7 名同学获得二等奖,21 名同学获得三等奖,19 名同学获得数学技能奖。

AMC 是全球规模超大、历史悠久的校际数学竞赛。长久以来,共有来自 32 个国家的 1500 余万学生参与其中。其新颖的题型和多语言试题让全球的数学爱好者们得以深刻切磋,共同学习,并深刻认识数学在生活中的重要性。自 2017 年始,澳大利亚数学协会与英国素质教育发展认证中心 (ASDAN) 中国办公室开始合作,将其引入中国。

本次竞赛吸引了来自全国 2435 所重点中小学与国际学校的 38516 名学生,橡树学子也积极参与其中,并收获了喜人的佳绩。

China Division Awards

卓越奖 (Prize):A-E 级别排名前 0.3%
一等奖 (High Distinction):A-D 级别排名前 3%
二等奖 (Distinction):A-D 级别排名前 20%
三等奖 (Credit):A-D 级别排名前 55%
数学技能奖 (Proficiency):总分超过既定分数线但没有获得优秀奖的同学图片

The long-established AMC is currently the world』s largest mathematics competition. A total of 15 million students from 32 countries have participated in the competition. The novel question types and multilingual test questions allow mathematics enthusiasts around the world to have a deep understanding in the field of mathematics with the aim of studying together and deeply understanding the importance of mathematics in life. Starting in 2017, the Australian Mathematical Society has cooperated with the China Office of the Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN) to introduce a series of top Australian mathematics and informatics competitions to China. A total of 38,516 students from 2,435 international schools and key primary and secondary schools across the country participated in this competition, and they achieved excellent results! AMC has set up different awards according to five difficulty levels: A, B, C, D, and E.Prize: Top 0.3% in A-E ranks
High Distinction: Top 3% in A-D ranks
Distinction: Top 20% in A-D ranks
Credit: Top 55% in A-D level
Proficiency: Students whose total score exceeds the established score but did not win the Excellence Award

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